Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Nixon test

President Nixon was the first and only president to resign from office, which raises a few questions. A couple of questions could be. What kind of person was Nixon? What were the good that he did while he was in office? What were the bad things that he did in his presidency?
        Everyone thinks that if you do something bad that makes you a bad person. This is what I think happened with President Nixon. I don’t personally believe that President Nixon was a bad person. I think that he is just being prosecuted for the wrong that he had done. People don’t think in the minds of others. He was severely stressed and I think that in that moment he just made a mistake, but this mistake was something that he could never take back. In the end I think that he was a good person but he just made a mistake.
        When people think of President Nixon they think of all the bad that he had done. President Nixon did many good things while he was in office. One of the things that really set Nixon apart from other presidents was his foreign policy. One of his greatest accomplishments was breaking the barrier between the United States and china. Nixon was the first U.S. president to visit the PRC (People’s Republic of china). This was a turning point when it comes to the relationships between the United States and China.
         Another great thing that Nixon did was he worked a lot with Russia to strengthen the relationships between the two of us. Nixon did this by giving the Salt talks they were talks corresponding international treaties on the issues of armament control.
        Nixon created a plan to get the troops that were fighting the war in Vietnam. This plan was called Vietnamization, the plan was to train South Vietnamese to fight the war for themselves. In a way it worked because he got the troops out of Vietnam, but the north retook the ground.
        Now Nixon’s presidency wasn’t all good. He did do things that weren’t right. First the thing that he may be the most known for, yes, Watergate. Watergate was I believe Nixon’s greatest down fall. I think he was just under stress and made a bad decision like we all do. Another reason why the American people don’t like him is because of his association with the oil crisis. Since then the oil prices have been increasing at a rate that angers the public. People said that his foreign policy was better than his domestic policy. They would be right Nixon I believe spent more time working on things out of the country than he did while he was in the country.
        Nixon I believe was a good president he got some major things dome while he was in office. Yes he did some things wrong, but he is only human. Without him we wouldn’t have a lot of the things that we have today. Where would the United States be if we didn’t have Nixon as president, I don’t know? I know for Shure that that U.S is a place I don’t want to live in. How about you?


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